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Product Id: PMC-0024

Ancient Punched Marked Coin with Three arched hill

With the punched marked coins began the coinage system in India. These coins were made by punching a die on the metal sheet such as that of prominently silver bronze and copper.There are multiple symbols identified altogether, out of which this coin depicts six armed symbol , three arched hill with cresent above and a dot within a square.

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DescriptionWith the punched marked coins began the coinage system in India. These coins were made by punching a die on the metal sheet such as that of prominently silver bronze and copper.There are multiple symbols identified altogether, out of which this coin depicts six armed symbol , three arched hill with cresent above and a dot within a square.
ItemConditionVery fine
Denomination1 Karshapana


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MRP: ₹1500

Price: ₹1200